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5 Must-Have Equipment for Cosmetic Dentists
5 Must-Have Equipment for Cosmetic Dentists
July 06, 2022

Cosmetic dentists have a lot of responsibilities. They need to make sure the patients' teeth are not just healthy but also look their best. To do this, cosmetic dentists rely on a variety of methods, tools and equipment. QQ Dental, a trusted dental clinic in Toronto, highlights a list of some of the most essential items used by cosmetic dentists on a daily basis.


5 Must-Have Equipment for Cosmetic Dentists


Dental drill: 
A dental drill is a hand-held, mechanical instrument. This is perhaps the most important tool used by dentists and cosmetic dentists. It allows dentists to remove decay and prepare teeth for fillings or other treatments. 


Dental mirror: 
No problem can be cured or corrected without identifying them. A dental mirror is one of the basic but most useful equipments used by cosmetic dentists. With the help of a dental mirror, a cosmetic dentist can look inside the patient's mouth with ease and identify problems prior to fixing them.


Dental scaler:
Some plaque or tartar hardens over the gum line and cannot be removed by brushing. Hence, a cosmetic dentist uses a scaler to remove tartar and plaque from teeth. It is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene.


Dental x-ray machine: 
This allows a dentist to take images of teeth so that the diagnosis of the problems becomes easy.


Laser is probably the heart of cosmetic dentistry. Dental lasers are used for various purposes like shaping the teeth, whitening them, gum-lifting and many others.


These are just a few of the essential pieces of equipment that cosmetic dentists use on a daily basis. Each one plays an important role in helping them provide the best possible care for the patients.QQ Dentals is a reputed dental clinic in Toronto. Our highly qualified dentists use ultra-modern methods and equipment to carry out dental procedures.

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