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4 Ways To Prepare for your Toronto Dental Clinic Appointment
4 Ways To Prepare for your Toronto Dental Clinic Appointment
June 10, 2020

You have found a new Toronto dental clinic and want to make an appointment as soon as possible, however, it may take some time to process your information if you walk in without prior booking or without your dental clinic information on hand. To make things easier, here are four ways you can save time and make your appointment seamless when it's your first time seeing a new dentist:


Confirm Your Appointment 

You should always book an appointment well in advance with your Toronto dental clinic to ensure that they can take you in. About two days or 24 hours before your scheduled appointment, call the clinic, and verify your appointment time. All reputable dental clinics such as Queens Quay Dental have efficient scheduling systems, but it doesn't hurt to make sure you're on the list.


Transfer Your Dental Records 

If you're a new patient at your Toronto dental clinic and have worked with a previous dentist, make sure to transfer your dental records ahead of time. With a simple correspondence online or through the phone, your old clinic can easily send over your dental records to your new dentist. This will ensure that they know your dental history and if there’s anything they should be aware of before starting procedures. 


Tell Your Dentist About Your Concerns

Dentists normally go over your records before you arrive at the clinic. However, your records do not illustrate the anxieties you may have. Dentists understand that there might be some concerns, so make sure to tell your honest feelings about your appointments. In doing so, they can adjust your schedule, prescribe some relaxants, and make sure you're feeling comfortable before any dental procedure. 


Ask Details About Your Upcoming Dental Procedure

Ask your dentist over the phone about the post-procedural effects of your appointment. In some dental procedures, you might need heavy sedation and will require someone to help get you home or you might need to take some time off work.


Trust In The Professionals

At Queens Quay Dental, you're in the good and proficient hands of academically-recognized and experienced dentists. Call to book an appointment with us today!


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Starting March 2024 our office participate in the CDCP

(CDCP) is a federal government program intended to reduce financial barriers to oral health care. The program will provide coverage of the cost of dental care for Canadian residents who do not have dental benefits and have a household income of less than $90,000 a year.

Apply online HERE

Seniors aged 65 and above are now eligible to apply for the CDCP online without needing an invitation letter.

Children under the age of 18 and adults with valid Disability Tax Credit certificates are able to apply for the CDCP through the government's application portal.


The Team at Queens Quay Dental Centre