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Why is an Oral Exam Important?
Why is an Oral Exam Important?
March 13, 2017

Regular dental examinations are critical in keeping your oral hygiene and dentition in balance. Your dental clinic in Toronto should offer a variety of general oral examination procedures aimed at maintaining a healthy oral state. Reasonably, dental exams should be periodically done every three months, and here are 3 reasons why:

General oral cleanliness

Oral hygiene relates to the cleanliness of the teeth, the gums, and the tongue. Regular visits to a dentist allows you to maintain great oral hygiene, as well as being able to detect areas of improvement in maintaining high oral cleanliness. During the oral exams, your dental clinic in Toronto should advise on whether plaque removal is required.

Tracking oral infections

Did you know that your eating habits and lifestyle determine the frequency and prevalence of oral infections?

Practically speaking, a dentist is the only professional who can confidently advise on the prevalence and your vulnerability to dental infections. Both Givitis and Periodontal diseases can be tracked through periodic oral exams. These instances allow your dentist to detect any dental infections in their formative stages, making it easy to alleviate them.

Detecting dental cavities

Dental cavities are simply “holes” occurring in teeth. There are various reasons that may lead to your mouth having holes. Although most people can identify them at the most advanced stage, where the hole reaches and possibly damages the root canal and the pulp, dentists can always identify scars leading to dental cavities. Once detected, the cavities should be filled. To prevent any dental cavities from advancing, a regular oral exam by a licensed dentist is advised. And of course, make sure to stay away from sweets as much as possible!

An oral exam should be a scheduled program with appointments matching various non-emergency dental complications. To book an oral exam, Queens Quay Dental, a dental clinic of Toronto is here for you. 

I personally hate oral exams, but this helps me understand why they're necessary.
Posted by: June M. | May 12, 2017, 3:59 pm
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Starting March 2024 our office participate in the CDCP

(CDCP) is a federal government program intended to reduce financial barriers to oral health care. The program will provide coverage of the cost of dental care for Canadian residents who do not have dental benefits and have a household income of less than $90,000 a year.

Apply online HERE

Seniors aged 65 and above are now eligible to apply for the CDCP online without needing an invitation letter.

Children under the age of 18 and adults with valid Disability Tax Credit certificates are able to apply for the CDCP through the government's application portal.


The Team at Queens Quay Dental Centre