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4 Signs That You Need a Dental Implant
4 Signs That You Need a Dental Implant
March 05, 2019

A dental implant is more involved than other forms of tooth restoration, which may discourage people from getting an implant when they need one.


The procedure, however, can be performed smoothly by an experienced implant dentist in Toronto, and there are many benefits to replacing a damaged or missing tooth with an artificial one that is surgically inserted into the jaw. To help you figure out if a dental implant is the best option for you, here are four signs that you may need one.


1. You Have Difficulty Chewing Certain Foods

A number of issues can cause alterations to your teeth over time, such as teeth grinding or an overbite or underbite, which may make it difficult for you eat certain foods. Difficulties in chewing can also be caused by a tooth infection that has affected the root. Any teeth that have been damaged to the point where they cannot function normally will benefit from extraction and implantation of a new, artificial tooth.


2. You Have a Visibly Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth is likely to have an impact on how your mouth functions—see sign #1. However, some cracked teeth may just be aesthetically unpleasant and a cause for insecurity about your appearance. This is just as good of a reason as any other to consider an implant. Restorative dentistry techniques may not work for your cracked tooth, in which case extraction and replacement by an implant dentist in Toronto are the best option.


3. You Are Tired of Your Dentures

Dental implants are a great alternative to dentures or partials, as an implanted tooth is held in place by an artificial root. This helps to avoid loosening of your teeth—a common issue with dentures. All of the inconveniences that come with dentures, such as having to remove and clean them and worrying about them falling out while eating or speaking, are eliminated with implant-supported dentures or dental implants.


4. You Are Experiencing Bone Loss

Dental implants can actually prevent bone loss in your jaw, and the facial collapse that results from this. Osseointegration is the process in which an artificial tooth root bonds with bone tissue in the jaw. This process stimulates jaw bone growth, which is absent when crowns, bridges or dentures are used. Anyone who has missing teeth is especially vulnerable to bone loss in the jaw. Replacing the tooth roots in a jaw will keep it strong and healthy for longer.


If any of the fours signs above apply to you, or if there is another reason you’re considering a dental implant, the next step is to schedule a consultation with an implant dentist in Toronto—of course, we recommend you consult with us!


At QQ Dental, we provide implants among our services. Implants are a great, natural-looking option for those who have damaged teeth that cannot be restored with a crown or bridge. We have highly experienced staff and we use the latest equipment to ensure you have the best experience possible. Contact us today for a trusted implant dentist in Toronto!

Great article, an easy and informative read!
Posted by: Leanne | March 19, 2019, 1:12 pm
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Starting March 2024 our office participate in the CDCP

(CDCP) is a federal government program intended to reduce financial barriers to oral health care. The program will provide coverage of the cost of dental care for Canadian residents who do not have dental benefits and have a household income of less than $90,000 a year.

Apply online HERE

Seniors aged 65 and above are now eligible to apply for the CDCP online without needing an invitation letter.

Children under the age of 18 and adults with valid Disability Tax Credit certificates are able to apply for the CDCP through the government's application portal.


The Team at Queens Quay Dental Centre